The AMI Journal includes articles by Dr Montessori as well as scholarly papers on Montessori and related topics. This website includes a searchable index of all articles contain in the AMI Journal. To purchase copies of an article or journal please contact [email protected].

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AMI Journal

AMI Journal 2005/4

Liberty, Spiritual Freedom and Moral Responsibility, Eduardo Cuevas
Control and Coordination of Movement, Annette Haines
Work: A Vital Instinct, Baiba Krumins Grazzini
The Child's Place in Society, Maria Montessori
Question and Answer: Indirect Preparation, AMI
UNESCO: promoting a prepared environment for cultural diversity and an indirect preparation for peace, Victoria Barres
The Universality of Montessori's Discoveries, Dinny Rebild and Claudia Guerrero
This year 70 years ago... focus on important events in 1935, AMI
Announcements, AMI
Membership Fees, AMI

AMI Journal 2005/2-3

André Roberfroid: the 8th President of AMI, AMI
Still Points in the Montessori Children's House, Nikki Hughes
Making Children Sensitive to the Beauties of the World an extract from Vivir para Contarla, Gabriel García Márquez
This year 80 years ago...Focus on important events of 1924, AMI
The 25th International Montessori Congress in Sydney, Australia 14-17 July, Elizabeth Houweling
Pilot Project Training of Trainers Programme, AMI
Report of the Annual General Meeting, AMI
Summary of SWOT Analysis, Alexander Henny
AMI Board Appointments, AMI
Financial Report-2004, AMI
Report on the Activities of the MM75 Fund in 2004, AMI
Other Reports, AMI
Announcements, AMI
Maria Montessori-An Anthology, AMI

AMI Journal 2005/1

Primitive Man and the Child, Maria Montessori
Report on Bhutan, Sally Connellan and Andrea O'Halloran
Annual General Meeting of the Association Montessori Internationale Agenda and Venue, AMI
Secretarial Report for 2004, AMI
Trainers' Meeting: Bergen 2004, AMI
Report on the United Nations, Annual DPI/NGO Conference, Silvia C. Dubovoy and Virginia McHugh Goodwin
Cultural Diversity: the arts help raise awareness about working children, Victoria Barres
Baroness Dédée Vranyczany and the New Child, Narcisa Buczynski
Beginnings of the Montessori Teaching Methods in Croatia, AMI
This Year 90 Years Ago...Focus on important events of 1915, AMI
25th International Montessori Congress, Sydney, AMI
Additional Courses Starting in 2005, AMI
Question and Answer: Why does a child scrub a table?, AMI
Announcements, AMI
Membership Fees, AMI

AMI Journal 2004/4

Second Assembly of Educateurs sans Frontières A Concise Overview, AMI
Grazzini and Montessori: Games with the Constructive Triangles, Camillo Grazzini
Montessori and Moral Development-Part II, Greg MacDonald
Diamond Jubilee Good Shepherd Maria Montessori Training Centre, Sister Stanislaus Vas
Why is the Ellipse an Ellipse and not a Circle?, Sandra Girlato
Celebrates its 75th Anniversary, AMI
This year 70 years ago... Focus on important events of 1934, AMI
Question and Answer The Importance and Role of Food in the Montessori Primary and Elementary Environments, AMI
Changes to Blueprints, AMI
Advocating for All Children, Victoria Barres