MA Magnifier

Montessori Australia produces a quarterly article, now called Montessori Magnifier. The article comes as a PDF file featuring an in depth insight into a Montessori concept.

Montessori Australia members are able to download PDF copies of the publications (ensure you are logged in under your member account). Click here to become a member.

Principles for Creating Safe Sleep Environments for Infants: A Risk Minimisation Approach
Prof Jeannie Young AM
Montessori: The Magic and The Madness
Mark Powell
Universal Moral Development: The Basis for Human Unity and Peace
Allyn Travis
Peace Education for the Prepared Adult
Naomi Whitehead
The Spiritual Preparation of the Adult
Eduardo Cuevas
Safer sleeping practices and the use of floor beds within a Montessori service
Alex Ioannou & Vicki McKinnon
Reading and Television
Mark Powell
Assessment: Converging Opportunities and Challenges
Alex Ioannou
Book Review - Dispositions: Reframing Teaching and Learning
Elizabeth Goor
What is Culture?
Carol Potts
Convergence and Divergence of Ethnomathematics (D’Ambrosio) and Mathematics (Montessori): An Ethnomathematics Program
Joël Rioux
Montessori and Social Ecology Theory
Susan Chahwan
Case Study: Documentation
Vicki McKinnon
Learning is a Social Act; Being Social is a Learned Act
Food in the Infant Community
Celebrating 150 Years
Best Practice
Amy Kirkham
A Parent’s Role
Donna Bryant Goertz
Guiding Montessori Adult Meetings and Gatherings by Preparing the Environment using Montessori Principles
Kathy Minardi
A Montessori Perspective on Leadership
Karen Bennetts
Mediating Children's Conflicts - Peer Mediation
Donna Bryant Goertz.
Practical Life: The Keystone of Life, Culture and Community
Uma Ramani
The Foundation of the Human Personality: Movement, Language, Independence, Freedom
Judi Orion
A Science of Peace
Annette Haines
Bringing the World of Artistic Expression to the Child
John R. Snyder
Inclusive Education: A Montessori Perspective
Janet McDonell
Remaining Professionally Thoughtful
Pamela Nunn
Growing Gains - Learning to Serve, Rather than Perform
Bill Conway
Technology and Montessori - Thumbs Up or Down?
Mark Berger
The Farm, Nature and Civilisation - The Roots of Social Change
David Kahn
Supporting the Dyslexic Child in the Montessori Environment
Alison Awes
Help Me to Feel For Myself
Kristin McAlister-Young
Why Praise is Not Good for Our Children
Steve Hughes
Observation as a Key to Development
Louise Livingston
Preparing an Environment for Spontaneous Activity
Louise Livingston
Outdoor Areas for Babies and Toddlers
Prue Walsh
Montessori: Education for the 21st Century
Dr Steve Hughes
Book Review: Montessori and Early Childhood
Kay Margetts
Home Work Not Homework
John R. Snyder
Saying Sorry?
Donna Bryant Goertz
On the Use of a Dummy
Judi Orion & Paul Pillai
The Common Sense of Montessori Pedagogy
Renilde Montessori
The Slender Thread of a Montessori Primary Class
Donna Bryant Goertz
Practical Applications of Montessori in the Home
Shannon Helfrich
Healthy Environments, Healthy Children, Healthy Culture
Judi Orion
The Relevance of Montessori in Modern Times
Shannon Helfrich
The Spiritual Preparation of the Adult
Eduardo Cuevas
Development of the Will
Molly O'Shaughnessy
Keys for Unlocking the Adult World
Allyn Travis
Effecting Cosmic Education
Allyn Travis
The Importance of a Sensorial Grounding of Intelligence from the Beginning of Life
Lynne Lawrence
The Conscious Worker: The Child from 3-6 Years of Age
Shannon Helfrich
Montessori Approach to Assessment and Reporting
Testing - A Montessori Perspective
Dr Jean Miller
The Untapped Potential of the Absorbent Mind
Judi Orion
Help the Child Build a Better Tomorrow
Cheryl Ferreira
How Dr. Montessori's Principles Intrinsically Foster Creativity, the Foundation for All Human Progress
Phyllis Pottish-Lewis
The Child From Ages Six to Twelve
Dr Jean Miller
A Sharp Call to the Public Conscience Maria Montessori and the Social Party of the Child
Ginni Sackett
The Adult and Child Grow Together (Growing, Learning, Creating, Teaching)
Lynne Lawrence
The Foundation of Human Personality - Our Hope for the Future
Dr Annette Haines
The Child and Society
Baiba Krumins Grazzini
Montessori: Now More Than Ever
Dr Annette Haines