Montessori Registered
Montessori Registered™ identifies Montessori schools and centres that meet Montessori standards set by the national body. It is a mark of an authentic Montessori programme.
It assists education services to engage in a process of review, improvement, and maintenance to ensure the highest level of Montessori experiences for children. The emphasis is on continuous reflective development to provide authentic Montessori practice. It provides standards and guidelines for authentic practice and supports these with a model of guidance and professional development.
Montessori Australia, the national body for Montessori, develops, implements, and reviews the Montessori Standards and Guidelines, and supports reflective development of Montessori programs through Guide training, networking, and professional mentoring. All Montessori education services are eligible to participate. The Montessori Australia's Schools & Centres Directory lists all education services participating and awarded Montessori Registered™ status.
For more details please visit www.montessoriregistered.org.au