Your Visit
As all Montessori schools and centres are independently owned and operated, the quality of their Montessori programme may vary. To know quality, we recommend prospective parents locate their nearest Montessori Registered™ school or centre, identified by these logos on our listing page here. Visits to these and other schools and centres are encouraged to determine if they are a suitable fit for your child and family.
When visiting, here are some questions to look for which will indicate a quality Montessori programme:
- Is the physical environment beautiful?
- Is there a feeling of peace?
- Is there a variety of different kinds of work being done?
- Is there an absence of worksheets and workbooks?
- Do the children seem to be relaxed and happy?
- Do the children seem to have a sense of purpose?
- Are the children kind and courteous with each other?
- Are the children concentrating very hard on their work?
- Are the children in primary appearing to work seriously even while some are casually carrying on conversations with others?
- Does the teacher appear to be constantly aware of the whole room, intervening only when children seem aimless or nonconstructive, or are bothering others?
These are the traits of quality Montessori classrooms.
(List courtesy of Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius, Angeline Stoll Lillard)
We would also recommend that parents assess a Montessori school or centre using the same values as the Montessori Quality: Authentic Practice (MQ:AP) program:
- All children have the right to an environment that is carefully prepared so that it meets and nurtures the developmental needs of each child.
- The child is an active participant in the learning process.
- Multi-age groups aligned with developmental planes provide for optimal social, emotional and cognitive learning.
- Self-discovery and exploration are important parts of the learning process.
- A non-competitive approach and the use of self- correcting materials promotes independence and self-con dence.
- The culturally diverse backgrounds of families and their active involvement in the centre enrich and foster a community that embraces tolerance and cooperation.
Watch a video: Why choose Montessori education for your child?