Montessori and the National Quality Agenda

The government's National Quality Agenda is an important set of reforms for the Early Childhood Education and Care sector. Changes include the National Quality Standards, the Early Years Learning Framework and other regulations for service provision.

Montessori Australia recommends a number of commercially available professional resources, including:


Montessori National Curriculum and the EYLF

A high-gloss poster that visually maps the Montessori National Curriculum for children under 6 years of age against the EYLF. This poster can be displayed in a classroom or childcare centre, or even distributed to families, as clear evidence of how the Montessori curriculum meets the outcomes of the EYLF.

The poster is available in A4 and A3 through Montessori Australia's online store.


Montessori and EYLF2 Booklet

A must-have resource for Montessori early childhood educators.
Clear explanations of how Montessori practice meets the requirements of the EYLF 2 will equip you and your team to discuss your practice with colleagues, parents and A&R assessors. The Montessori planning cycle is explained, and a table that ‘reverse maps’ practice to the NQS is provided.  Available:


Montessori and the National Quality Standards

This document looks at each individual standard and element of the 7 quality areas in relation to a Montessori environment and in context of what the Authorised Officer may observe, discuss and sight during an Assessment visit.


Montessori and the EYLF

This document articulates how Montessori practice fits the principles, practice and outcomes of the EYLF.


Bridging the Gap

This document gives an analysis of the most likely areas where an Authorised Officer may find Montessori Practice and other settings diverge. It provides strategies on how to "bridge the gap" of understanding.