Montessori Books
In The Advanced Montessori Method: Volume 1, Maria Montessori presents her educational philosophy and methods as they relate to children from the ages of seven...
11000004 $46.30
This book introduces the reader to the materials and techniques Dr Montessori devised for teaching older children. In seven separate sections she applies her...
11000005 $48.81
Based on Dr. Montessori’s lectures during her first course in India in 1939. This book, in two volumes, explores the Montessori approach to the education of...
BK549500 $39.73
Based on Dr. Montessori’s lectures during her first course in India in 1939. This book, in two volumes, explores the Montessori approach to the education of...
BK549400 $39.73
This volume contains the depth and richness of musical experience for children that is the legacy of Maria Montessori and Anna Maccheroni – a legacy to embrace...
BK547950 $38.64
Rita Kramer - Maria Montessori Biography This biography covers the personal life of Dr. Montessori and the intellectual and social climate of Italy during her...
BK540600 $49.73
Aline D. Wolf. Illustrated by Joe Servello. This book was written for Montessori teachers. Many readers believe that it can be useful for parents or teachers...
BK538410 $38.52
Maren Schmidt. Understanding Montessori: A Guide For Parents helps parents understand the stages of childhood growth and learning and how Montessori education...
BK532900 $49.66
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523271 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523251 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523201 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523211 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523181 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523241 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523191 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523231 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523261 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523221 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523161 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523171 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523151 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523121 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523111 $35.20
This booklet is part of the Montessori great cosmic tales series (available separately), which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and...
523141 $35.20
Montessori Australia has an online shop with products for Montessori schools, centres and parents. Profits from the shop are used to fund the work of the national body.