Montessori Books
The Book of the Century! In 1913 four Australian teachers attended Dr Maria Montessori's first training course in Rome. That year Blackfriars Practising School...
11000107 Retail price: $59.95
In 1981, Jane Nelsen wrote her first book, Positive Discipline. Since then she has authored many more, from Positive Discipline for Preschoolers to Positive...
BK538700 $35.20
In The Child in the Family, Maria Montessori discusses some of the her basic principles of education and shows why it is so important for adults to follow...
11000015 $35.89
In The Discovery of the Child, Maria Montessori describes the nature of the child and her method. She believes that once the general principles of her method...
11000034 $32.25
For the first time, Maria Montessori's thoughts, feelings and impressions, written down by herself in this private diary, are being published. During her first...
11000085 $31.20
An illustrated handbook for the teacher, with detailed instructions for sensorial presentations and notations introduction. Use with matching, nomenclature and...
11000103 $55.65
This 580 page comprehensive course pack includes the complete content from the five program tracking manuals for implementing the approach, from Autism: A...
1100100 $126.95
The Montessori Series has added this small volume with 11 lectures in which Maria Montessori gives parents an introductory explanation of her vision on...
1100201 $23.59
The book covers the importance of a community for children before the age of 3. DVD is also available ..... please call to arrange.
11000168 $14.95
Use the ingenious communication and memory aids featured in this practical guide to significantly improve the ability of people with dementia and related...
38870064 $74.74
Reflections on Aged Care and How you can make a difference Forgetfulness, Feelings & Farnarkling (Farnarkling – the group activity where everyone sits...
95385900 $41.74
Christ's teaching about children touches the very core of their education; children have a different personality from ours, and spiritual impulses are alive in...
11000202 $26.34
Maria Montessori never swerved from one of her main messages: the need for a radical transformation in education to ultimately improve society as a whole. This...
11000200 $34.37
Maria Montessori travelled to America for the first time in 1913, a hugely successful visit leading to an even greater interest in her educational ideas. In...
11000201 $40.15
A must-have resource for Montessori early childhood educators. Clear explanations of how Montessori practice meets the requirements of the EYLF 2 will equip...
BKEYLF2 $14.95
All parents try to do their best - but the best of intentions don't always produce the best results. Dr. Jane Nelsen, an experienced psychologist, educator,...
BK487674 $32.45
A Positive Approach To Raising Happy, Healthy and Mature Teenagers . Adolescence can be a time of great stress and turmoil-not only for kids going through it,...
BK905395 $31.62
A Parent's Guide to Nurturing a LOVE OF LEARNING You read Montessori Madness, this copy is a revised Australian edition with over 50 pages more to help the...
11000101N $28.95
Perfect for kids, parents, grown-ups, and anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of how science impacts everyday life.
11000001 $25.60
We know we need to improve our traditional school system, both public and private. But how? More homework? Better-qualified teachers? Longer school days or...
11000101 $29.70
Caring for young children is one of the most challenging tasks an adult will ever face. No matter how much you love your child, there will be moments filled...
BK576419 $31.62
A Positive Approach To Helping Children With Special Needs - Realise Their Potential Every child deserves to lead a happy and fulfilling life. For parents and...
BK589828 $31.62
Montessori Australia has an online shop with products for Montessori schools, centres and parents. Profits from the shop are used to fund the work of the national body.