Montessori Books
The Interpersonal World of the Infant is one of the most prominent works of psychoanalyst Daniel N. Stern, in which he describes the development of four...
11000181 $44.49
In these 50 essays, John R. Snyder describes in powerful, deep, and inspiring language a wide variety of topics in the philosophy, theory, and practice of...
11000184 $34.30
Excerpt: “Dr. Maria Montessori had the intuition of the fact that one of the first tendencies of the newborn child is to build something within himself which...
70433012 $21.34
Excerpt: “Certainly, like all other living beings, man has been endowed with instincts and impulses and consequently he has also sought the best conditions for...
70433017 $21.34
A high-gloss poster that visually maps the Montessori National Curriculum for children under 6 years of age against the EYLF. This poster can be displayed in a...
MEYLA5 $14.24
A high-gloss poster that visually maps the Montessori National Curriculum for children under 6 years of age against the EYLF. This poster can be displayed in a...
MEYLA4 $8.74
Psychoarithmetic by Maria Montessori provides a view of the working of the human mind through the lens of exercises and study of mathematics (arithmetic,...
11001186 $48.95
Child of the World' provides easy to read and clear information on the theory and practice of Montessori philosophy. The author is a trained and experienced...
11000016 $7.80
Each of these three volumes of Child-Size Masterpieces contains 36 postcard-size art reproductions to be cut out and used for matching identical paintings,...
11000017 $27.80
The specific purpose of this volume of Child-Size Masterpieces is to highlight the beauty and dignity of the black heritage as portrayed in paintings over a...
11000018 $30.00
Each of these three volumes of Child-Size Masterpieces contains 36 postcard-size art reproductions to be cut out and used for matching identical paintings,...
11000020 $27.80
Step 4 is for learning the names of famous artists. Each of these volumes contain 16 pairs of identical paintings, and the other is to be matched with a...
11000021 $27.80
Step 5 is for learning the names of famous paintings and their artists. Each of these volumes contain 16 pairs of identical paintings, and the other is to be...
11000022 $21.70
44 postcard-size reproductions of beautiful paintings to be placed on a Time Line of dates. History comes alive with artistic representations of dugout canoes...
11000023 $30.00
Charting the progress of 12 children in a real Texas classroom, educator Donna Goertz shows how positive change can occur given the proper environment. In each...
11000029 $35.60
Montessori Australia has an online shop with products for Montessori schools, centres and parents. Profits from the shop are used to fund the work of the national body.