The National Summit for Montessori Independent Schools Australia (MISA) was held last week at Uluru. This central location was symbolic of the significance of the event for the future work with our 35 MISA schools. The event was overseen by professional facilitator Steven Gould, who guided the work of 45 delegates over three days. The focus of the National Summit was strategic and six ‘provocateurs’ from around the nation presented themes for discussion - Financial Viability (Grant Vayro, Montessori International College, Qld), Growing our System (Vanessa Aikins, Rockingham Montessori School, WA), Leadership and Governance (Bill McKeith, Inner Sydney Montessori School, NSW), Teacher Training (Bill Conway, Montessori East, NSW), Government Regulation and Compliance (Gay Wales, Melbourne Montessori School) and Marketing and Public Relations, (Anthony Vandermolen, Canberra Montessori School, ACT).
An important outcome of the National Summit was the desire for collaboration. Many ideas were put on the table for consideration and Montessori Australia will be developing its next strategic plan for MISA based on the Uluru discussions. The Summit also included opportunities to relax and share slower time with each other. We were fortunate enough to have beautiful weather for a ‘Sounds of Silence’ bush tucker inspired buffet dinner under the stars. This included a didgeridoo performance, traditional indigenous dancers and a guided tour of the night sky. Montessori Australia will keep the strategic conversations going throughout 2017 as we look toward the future for our independent schools.