2 June 2017 - 9:50am


“A presentation is given, not to a group of children, but individually, to help the child to grow mentally. We prepare this special environment to help his growth, to offer him freedom so that he can proceed with his work in a normal way. The collective lessons are given only to the child who has not yet been normalized. After normalization, each child grows individually, in his own way. If we give a lesson we do not command all the children to stop what they are doing in order to listen. Many children may have absolutely no interest in the lesson and we may bore them."

Dr. Maria Montessori, Creative Development in the Child  page 40 – Kalakshetra 1998, page 207) 


Montessori Australia acknowledges and thanks Susan Stephenson for this quote. See more at https://www.facebook.com/montessoribooks/