Maria Montessori said “When the child does work which has no external purpose, we call it play.” But to Montessori, this ‘play’ is the work of the child: “The child too is a worker and a producer. If he cannot take part in the adult’s work, he has his own, a great, important, difficult work indeed – the work of producing man... It is the child who builds up the man, the child alone.” In this issue, we hear from Montessori writers who address the theme of Learning is Child’s Play, this important work of the child.
Montessori and Play | 3
Learning to Read through Play | 7 The Ant and the Grasshopper | 9 Book Corner | 13
Choosing Children’s Books | 14 Montessori Play Spaces | 15
A Small Shining Moment | 16
Making Music through Fun and Games | 19
Play Q & A | 22