Maria Montessori’s focus on the child placed the question of humanity not upon a social detail, such as nationality or economic status, but upon a universal basis. In Child, Society and the World, she states: ‘Everyone, men and women, to whatever class they may belong has been built up from the child.’ In this issue, we hear from Montessori writers who approach the theme of Montessori for Everyone from a variety of perspectives.
Editorial – Montessori for Everyone | 3
Guiding Children ‘Back from the Edge’ | 4
Creative Engagement: Handwork as Follow-Up Work | 12
The ‘Special Needs’ of the Adolescent | 17
Early Childhood Professionals: Advocates for the Future of our World | 19
Culturally Responsive Teaching | 24
Partnering with Parents is Essential | 27
Observe to Remove | 31