Help Me To Feel For Myself

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Issue Contents: 


News of upcoming events and happenings in the UK Montessori community

Your Letters
Emma Wong Singh answers readers' questions about Montessori-related issues

Donna Bryant Goertz on the importance of the relationship between parent and child

Peter Davidson on the difference concrete examples can make to understanding maths

When I Grow Up I Want to be a Montessori Directress
Recent graduate from the Maria Montessori Institute Léa Morpurgo talks about her experiences training to be a Montessori teacher

Risk in Perspective
Leading expert on children's play and free time, Tim Gill, writes about the risks we take when we overprotect our children

Help Me to Feel it for Myself
Kristin McAllister Young talks about how important it is that we let our children experience emotion

Renilde Montessori - an Educateur sans Frontières
Direction pays tribute to Dr Montessori's granddaughter's Educateurs sans Frontières programme

On Time
Interview with Claire Paglia reflecting on what it feels like for children when they arrive late at school

Yesterday's Discovery - Today's Science
Lori Woellhaf discusses recent research that supports the Montessori maxim that when it comes to writing, the hand is the tool of the mind

Dear Maria...
Gayle Wood asks who is being tested when we test two year olds.