Help Me To Do It By Myself

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Issue Contents: 


News of upcoming events and happenings in the UK Montessori community

Your Letters
Emma Wong Singh answers readers' questions about Montessori related issues

Montessori and Creativity
Pilar Bewley and Peter Davidson blog about the misunderstandings that many people have about
Montessori, fantasy and creativity

Observation as a Key to Development
In the second part of this two-part article AMI Trainer Louise Livingston looks at the observations we need to make to help us to 'follow the child'

Boys Need to be Boys for all our Sakes
Sue Palmer talks about the disastrous consequences of neglecting the needs of growing boys

A Parent Support Programme
The Aid to Life Project outlines a new programme for helping parents

Children were Born to Move
The third in a series of articles released by the Aid to Life Initiative tells parents how to support their child's movement in the first years of life

Yesterday's Discovery - Today's Science
Lori Woellhaf investigates and discusses the research that supports the idea that children should start school later

Dear Maria...
Gayle Wood asks why Montessori chose to mix children of different ages together