2005 International Montessori Congress
Congress Photos
Feedback from Congress Participants
Preparation of the Adult, Pamela Nunn
Social Cohesion, Amy Kirkham
Letter from Renilde Montessori
Special Features
Reconciliation in the land of Warajinda, Jennifer and Joel Rioux
Future Directions and Long Term Planning
Judi Orion’s Parenting Workshop 2005
Parenting Workshop Notes on Symbiosis
Events and Celebrations
Montessori Children’s Foundation Launch
Barbara Stephen’s 70th Birthday
AMI 3-6 Graduates 2005, Pamela Nunn
AMI President’s Report
AAAA President’s Report
AMI AGM Amsterdam 2005
Upcoming Events
2007 Centenary Report, Roelie Murphy
2006 AMI Refresher Course, Sydney
2006 Jean Miller Music Workshops
2007 Inaugural Study Tour – Europe
2005/2008 AMI 6-12 Course, Jean Miller
2007 AMI 3-6 Course New Zealand