Vicki McKinnon is the owner and CEO of Building Futures Pty Ltd who operate 3 Montessori Long Day Care centres in Brisbane, along with a Registered Training College, family day care services, management and is most excited about the current development of software for Montessori early childhood (Your Child’s Day). Originally training and working as a secondary Music and English teacher, Vicki moved into the early childhood sector in 1994. “Discovering” Montessori and training with Mrs Duyker (AMS) in 2001 and 2002 she has since worked determinedly to see her services implement and embed the Montessori philosophy and practice. Vicki has spent time serving early childhood communities in Peak Body roles and has invested in developing Montessori training to be accessible and affordable suited to the childcare profession. Vicki holds a Bachelor of Music (Education), Grad Dip Ed – Early Childhood, Diploma of Montessori Education, Diploma of Business, Cert IV in Training and the Australian Owner Manager program.
Vicki is currently on the Montessori Australia Executive Team and a Board member.