Pamela Nunn has worked in the field of education for young children for 30 years and is an AMI 3 – 6 Teacher Trainer for the Australian Centre for Montessori Studies (ACMS). She holds a Diploma in Early Childhood Education (South Australia) and gained her AMI (3 - 6) Diploma at the Sydney Montessori Teachers College in 1990. For ten years Pam held the position of Directress and authorised supervisor with the Sydney Montessori Society, in Lindfield, Australia. Pam has been involved with professional development of Montessori teachers through workshops and national conferences in Australia. She also directed Children’s House Assistants Courses in Vietnam in 2013, and again in 2014, to support AMI’s efforts to establish Montessori education there in cooperation with the university in Ho Chi Minh City. Similar support for 3-6 courses in Thailand has been given. In 2015, Pam delivered the Sensorial component and part of Maths at the AMI Diploma Course in Auckland, New Zealand. She is a Board member of both the Montessori Children’s Foundation and Montessori Australia Foundation. Pam is involved in Montessori Quality Assurance and mentor training in Australia. Through the AMI Training Centre in Sydney, the Australian Centre for Montessori Studies, Pam has directed seven primary AMI Diploma Montessori courses in Sydney and in Brisbane. Pam’s AMI Examiner appointments have occurred in Melbourne, New Zealand, Thailand, China, Japan, Finland and UK. In 2010 she was appointed as a member of the AMI Training Group.