Michael Nagel is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of the Sunshine Coast where he teaches and researches in the areas of cognition, human development, behaviour and learning. He has written a number of journal articles and books related to neurological development in children and has delivered over 300 workshops and seminars for parents and teachers nationally and internationally. Nominated as Australian Lecturer of the Year each year since 2010, Dr Nagel has been a guest on ‘Sunrise’ and ‘The Project’, is a member of the prestigious International Neuropsychological Society, is the Queensland Director of the Australian Council on Children and the Media, sits on a number of education boards and committees and is a feature writer for the ‘Child’ series of magazines which offers parenting advice to more than one million Australian readers. When he is not busy professionally, he spends his time learning the important lessons of life from his own children, Madeline and Harrison.