Liz Ghali is currently an Executive Director of Montessori Australia. She has 4 children, all of whom have been educated under the Montessori Method from birth: three of them until the age of 12yrs and the youngest to the age of 18 yrs. All of them are now successful adults pursuing their chosen careers and contributing positively and peacefully to society. Liz has supported adolescents for 35yrs, initially as a young youth worker and then upon entering the education system, as a humanities teacher, back in the ‘80s. Her first encounter with Montessori pedagogy was during that decade, when she also studied and attained a Preliminary Theological Certificate from Moore Theological College (Sydney) and BA Dip. Ed (Honours), specialising in human geography, from UNSW.
Over the years Liz has taught in Christian schools, secular independent schools, and State schools as well as serving on school Boards in various roles. From 2006, she led a team of professionals to establish and sustain a Montessori adolescent community at Sydney Montessori School, with the first cohort of students graduating with the NSW HSC in 2013. That project was supported by what was learned from other Montessori adolescent practitioners, both Australian and international, and completion of the NAMTA Montessori Orientation to Adolescent Studies in 2007.Since then, Liz has offered her experience as a consultant to others seeking to develop adolescent environments, taken on the Carer role for two pairs of elderly parents and expanded her expertise by completing a Level 1 & 2 Certificate in the Solomon Yogalates Method from Yoga Pilates Training Academy Australia and the Diploma of Dementia Care with UTAS.
Liz seeks to support educators, administrators, parents, and care givers (professional and family) in the establishment and maintenance of the Montessori approach in many contexts. This encompasses support for people working within schools, childcare centres, community groups, residential and day care environments for those living with dementia, traumatic brain injury or frailty in older age, intergenerational programs as well as within the family home.
Liz believes, as did Montessori, life is a journey of discovery with purpose, to intimately know God and follow our inspired mission in life, which is both an act of worship and spiritually fulfilling (Romans 12:1). To this end the Montessori approach is an aid to life, it involves removing the obstacles that may prevent the developing child, or adult, from fulfilling their absolute potential. In Dr Maria Montessori’s words, “Of all things love is the most potent (The Absorbent Mind, p269).” And “mankind has to fulfil a collective mission on earth, a mission involving all of humanity and therefore each and every human being” (Education and Peace, p66).
Liz is currently on the Montessori Australia Executive Team and a Board member.