Jessica Langford is owner of SA Montessori's Rosemont House Montessori, Lilliput Village Montessori, Little Oxford Montessori and Echoes Montessori. She holds a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood), Diploma of Montessori (0-6), Diploma of Positive Psychology, Diploma of Montessori (0-3).
Jessica’s SA Montessori ‘career’ started very early indeed – at the tender age of two she was one of the students in Jescott’s inaugural class, taught by her mum Barbara Langford. Jessica has been immersed in Montessori her entire life and is passionate about mentoring others in how this amazing philosophy can transform lives for the better.
Jessica obtained her Diploma in Positive Psychology in order to better support and foster the holistic well-being of all of the members of the SA Montessori family – from our youngest children to our team members and parents.