In Education for a New World, Maria Montessori wrote about the great powers of the child, imploring educators to be on a new path, “wherein it will not be the teacher who teaches the child, but the child who teaches the teacher.” Parents, too, have the opportunity to take this journey with their child, where “we must help the child to act for himself, will for himself, think for himself; this is the art of those who aspire to serve the spirit.” (p.69). In this issue we explore a range of topics including how our unique learning environments, both in the home and the classroom can be designed to unfold the possibilities of human potential. From creating learner-centred environments to empower and nuture the spirit of the child, to developing excutive function skills for them to better navigate an ever changing world, to exploring the benefits of the study of nature in our outdoor environments or the ‘pedagogy of place’, Montessori has at its core an Education for a New World.
- A Pedagogy for Our Time
- The Secret of Educatio
- Storytelling and Executive Functioning
- Place and Pedagogy
- Exploring Education for a New World