With an array of choices available to parents in early learning; it can be challenging to make the right decision for our children. Choosing the right place to be your child’s second home is not an easy task. INSPIRE Early Learning Journey is committed to providing the best possible ‘home like’ learning environment where your child will feel welcome and nurtured whilst in our care.
We pride ourselves in offering a high quality and unique Montessori program for our parents and community. The Montessori teaching method and philosophy provide a quality early childhood education that is embedded into the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian National Quality Standards. Inspire Early Learning Journey also runs an Approved Kindergarten Program in our Cycle 1 Montessori 3-6yrs Program.
The Montessori philosophy and method will allow our children to have joy in their learning process, structured hands-on activities, and enjoy exploring their stimulating and purposeful environment. Our team is formed based on their passion, experience, and commitment to follow our philosophy and beliefs. All our staff are regularly receiving both Montessori and EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework) training and professional development.
Chinese language is also offered as part of our bilingual language program.
We encourage families to book a tour today to see our unique programs and why parents choose our service.
Opening Hours: 7:00am ~ 6.00pm Monday to Friday
52 weeks per year: Except VICTORIAN Public Holidays
Our campuses in Victoria:
- Bentleigh West Campus
- Chadstone Campus
- Cranbourne Campus
- Doncaster Campus (opening 2024)
- Forest Hill Campus (opening 2024)
- Heidelberg Campus
- Langwarrin (opening late 2023)
- Mt Waverley Campus
- Preston Campus
- Reservoir Campus
- Rowville Campus
- Springvale Campus
Please visit our website www.inspire.edu.au
Facebook: inspireearlylearningjourney
Instagram: inspireelj