Great Stories in Cosmic Education Workshop - WA


Join Peter Erskine to work with your 6-12 colleagues to discover the Grand Narratives - the role of Great Stories in Cosmic Education. The workshop is suitable for Montessori educators for children from 6 - 12 years of age.The story so far... 

An adult guide in a Montessori environment has prepared for his initiation as a “Storyteller of Truth”, only to discover that things are not quite as they seem. 

  • The Timeline of Life is deinitely bigger on the inside! 
  • Why did the children look at him so oddly when he told “The God with No Hands?” 
  • What is going on here? 

* Regrettably, due to insufficient numbers, this workshop has been cancelled.

Montessori 6-12 Workshop
Saturday, 26 August 2017 -
9:00am to 4:30pm
Great Stories in Cosmic Education Workshop - WA
Your Price $240.00