Best Practice Early Childhood Conference


The Best Practice Early Childhood Conference is open to all Montessori staff with 0-6 programmes. 

Theme: The Balancing Act: The Graceful Choreography of Teaching

The Montessori Australia Early Childhood Conference has SOLD OUT!

Dear Montessori Community,

We are thrilled to announce that our upcoming conference has officially sold out!

This remarkable achievement is a testament to the incredible support and enthusiasm from our Montessori community.

Your overwhelming response will see this event to be one of the best ever.

We extend our heartfelt thanks for your dedication, participation, and commitment to Montessori Australia. 

For those who may have missed out on securing a ticket, we encourage you to join the waitlist at [email protected] in the event that tickets become available; or you can purchase a recording of the conference tickets at a discounted amount of $295, only until the 13 April, otherwise, see you at the next conference.   

TQI approved for 10hrs.
Saturday, 13 April 2024 - 8:30am to Sunday, 14 April 2024 - 4:30pm