Resources for Parents

The Stamp Game - learn how to make and present the Stamp Game, a Montessori maths material for children to independently practice the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 

AMI Digital - free digital resources to schools, educators and families, starting with language materails for 3-6 year olds.

Online Montessori courses - learn more about Montessori

Montessori Short Videos - Rising Tide Montessori provides a free library of short videos about Montessori theory and practice

Build your own Montessori maths materials - download instructions for making the Addition Strip Board, Bead Frame, Checkerboard, Snake Game and Strip Board.

Montessori as an Aid to Life - supporting children aged 0-3 years in the home environment

Parenting Blog - see our blog postings for practical advice on Montessori parenting

The Montessori Notebook - Montessori at home for babies and toddlers

Montessori at Home - encouraging Montessori principles of order, independence, and self-motivation in the home 

How We Montessori - Montessori in the home environment (24-36-month-olds) 

Learning from Home Handbook for Parents

Montessori inspired indoor activities

Montessori inspired activities for toddlers

Continuing the Learning at Home - inspiration for activities at home (early childhood)

How to create an at-home Montessori for your children

Family Music For Mixed Ages - early childhood music programme

The Math Institute (Great Work Inc) & YouTube Channel - Montessori adolescent maths support

ABC Me - ABC ME is a place for school-aged children to find all the best shows from Australia and around the world. 

100 Ideas for Montessori Early Childhood Students at Home (courtesy of St. Joseph Montessori School faculty and the American Montessori Society)

100 Ideas for Montessori Primary Students at Home (courtesy of teacher Michelle Jacob and the American Montessori Society).

49 Montessori Inspired Indoor Activities